Abuse Any physical force or maltreatment, abusive sexuality
activity, neglect, emotional harm, or abandonment/separation experienced
by an individual. It is your duty as a respite support provider to
report abuse.
Active Listening
Is an intent "listening for meaning" in which the listener
checks with the speaker to see that a statement has been correctly heard
and understood. The goal of active listening is to improve mutual
Assistive Technologies Devices that can enable
people with disabilities to accomplish daily living tasks, assist them
in communication, education, work or recreation activities, in essence,
help them achieve greater independence and enhance their quality of
Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD) ADHD is the most common of
all the childhood psychiatric illnesses. It is a behavioural disorder
with three major symptoms: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
Like other disorders the symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe.

Autism Is a complex developmental disorder that
typically affects a person’s ability to communicate, form relationships,
and respond appropriately to the environment. Autism results from the
neurological disorder that impedes normal brain development in the areas
of social interaction and communication skills.
Bipolar Disorder A person who has bipolar disorder
has episodes of both mania and depression. The symptoms of mania include
distractibility, irritability, grandiosity, racing thoughts, a
decreased need for sleep, an increased speed of speech, poor judgment,
increased risk-taking behaviour, and a break in reality testing, usually
characterized by delusions and hallucinations.
Boundaries Maintaining a degree of professionalism
and being clear on your role when interacting with families. It is very
easy for boundaries to be crossed if you are not careful.
Cerebral Palsy Also known as CP, it is the result
of injury to various parts of the brain which enable an individual to
control muscle movement.
Closure Bringing a respite support relationship to a
positive conclusion.
Dignity of Risk Being allowed the opportunity,
within the bounds of physical safety of course, to try things and fail,
and learn from these experiences.
Down Syndrome Is a chromosomal anomaly that occurs
in about 1.3 births per 1,000. Some common characteristics of
individuals who have Down Syndrome are almond shaped eyes, with
Brushfield spots on the irises, a single palmar crease on one or both
hands, small features, and short limbs. Those who have DS also have a
mental disability, but exceptional social intelligence.
Dual Diagnosis Some individuals may have a mental
illness AND a developmental disability. This is referred to as dual
diagnosis. For example, an individual may have an intellectual
disability and mental health issues (mental illness).
Epilepsy Is the general term for more than 20
different types of seizure disorders produced by brief, temporary
changes in the normal functioning of the brain’s electrical system.
Epilepsy, like other developmental disabilities, may result from brain
defects during development which are caused by disease, brain injury, or
toxic substances passed to the child during pregnancy.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Previously known
as “overanxious disorder,” GAD in children is characterized by extreme,
unrealistic worry that does not seem to be related to any recent event.
These children worry about everything. They are very self-conscious,
feel tense, have a strong need for reassurance, and complain about
stomachaches, headaches, diarrhea and other discomforts that don’t
appear to have any physical basis.
Grand Mal Seizure This one of the least common
types of seizure; yet this the one that most people think of when they
hear the word “epilepsy.” Impulses in the brain that are released during
a grand mal seizure affect the total bodily system. During a grand mal
seizure, the person loses consciousness and convulses usually for one to
three minutes.
Intellectual Disability Is attributable to any
condition which impairs development of the brain before birth, during
delivery, or in the early childhood years.
Meaningful Life The ability to make choices that
have an impact on your life. To choose what is important to you, what
you wish to do, and how and when you wish to do it, as much as is
reasonably possible given the situation.
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) In children and
adolescents, MDD is characterized by at least two weeks of a nearly
constant depressed mood severe enough to cause distress and dysfunction.
Medically Fragile Those individuals who have
complex medical needs. Examples include individuals who have serious
medical concerns and may require oxygen, ventilators, feeding tubes and
medications in order to maintain their health.
Muscular Dystrophy This genetic disorder causes
progressive deterioration of major muscle groups, usually beginning in
the lower trunk and calves and eventually moving to the upper trunk and

Non-Verbal The inability to communicate verbally.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Is an anxiety
disorder characterized by pathological obsessions (involuntary thoughts,
ideas, urges, impulses, or worries that run through a person’s mind
repeatedly) and compulsions (purposeless repetitive behaviours).
Petit Mal Seizure This type of seizure is a very
brief discharge of energy from the brain. It may appear as quick nod of
the head, a sudden lapse of activity, or an object dropped from a grasp.
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) A
system of pictures that can be used to communicate with someone who is
Psychomotor Seizure This is characterized by
stereotypic behaviours such as rocking on the balls of the feet, tapping
or pounding a hand on a table or a wall, or some other repeated motor
P.R.N. Medications These are medications to be
given as needed. These may only be administered when accompanied by a
standing order signed by a physician.
Re-direct Moving a person’s focus from a negative
to a positive. It is often a good strategy for de-escalating conflict.
Respite Support Primary care givers looking after
someone who has intellectual and/or physical disabilities, autism, or
are medically fragile, have a 24/7 job. They are at real risk of
physical and emotional burn-out unless they can receive respite once in a
while to do the things in life that most of us take for granted such
as: going out for dinner, seeing a movie, going for a hike,
participating in sports or other recreational activities, taking short
trips, etc.
Respite support, having someone temporarily fill in as care
giver, allows primary care givers to recharge their batteries and have a
semblance of a normal life.
Respite Providers Respite providers provide support for
a child or adult who has any range of disabilities who requires some
degree of assistance. The primary mission is to support and supervise
individuals in the absence of the primary care giver and to, above all
else, ensure their safety and well-being. Under the family’s guidance,
respite workers are in charge while primary care givers take a break.
Separation Anxiety Disorder Children who have
Separation Anxiety Disorder are preoccupied with thoughts that harm is
going to come to them or their parents. This disorder is often confused
with depression, and a demoralized state. At the core of their anxiety
is a perceived threat to the integrity of the family.
Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) The terms
behaviour disordered, emotionally disturbed, and socially maladjusted
are frequently used interchangeably to describe children who have
emotional challenges and as a result may be extremely challenging for
parents, teachers, peers, and others. Examples of disorders that might
fall under the umbrella of SED are schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
major depression, attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, and
conduct disorder.
Social Phobia Is an anxiety disorder characterized
by the persistent fear of being scrutinized and judged by others and of
doing or saying something that will be humiliating or embarrassing. The
key is intense self-consciousness.
Spina Bifida Paralysis resulting from the damage to
the spinal cord.